Ancient Egyptians Knew How to Unleash the Power of the Pineal Gland

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by Organic Health

We still don’t understand completely how Ancient Egyptians lived and what they truly did give to the world. But, they did know how to unleash the power of the pineal gland, and now you can too!

A lot of people believe Ancient Egyptians were very smart, they built such amazing structures when the technology wasn’t there to work with, but maybe they knew how to do something we didn’t. This video explores The Temple of Man. It demonstrated that the architects of the Luxor Temple used Sacred Geometry. This temple matches the exact proportions of the human body. We also learn in this video that the ancient Egyptians might have been using altered states of consciousness by using the pineal gland. It is believed that doing this the Egyptians might have been trying to explore the realm of the spirits.

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