Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Haarp. An EMF Triple Threat

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by Michael T. Winter; Activist Post

Part I – Cell phones

When it comes to cell phones dangerous side effects, the cat is out of the bag. Public awareness has grown regarding their dangers. Nations worldwide have adopted legislation curtailing the use of cell phones by children. Stacks of scientific papers published by leading universities and research institutes all point to the same conclusion: cell phone use causes loss of bone density, cardiac arrhythmia and brain cancer, to name a few of the more serious effects, though there are many others. (1. 2. 3. 4)

A cell phone is only as good as its signal. No bars = no talking. All cell phones depend on being “in range” of a tower. If one is getting a signal, then that person’s body is receiving the cell tower’s electromagnetic radiation right along with the phone. The measurement of a cell phone’s power is defined by Hertz. A hertz is a unit defining the frequency of an electromagnetic wave.

A basic understanding of human physiology is required to comprehend the dangers we face. The human body is a self-contained electrical “machine”. We create this electricity through the action of eating food which our system converts into electrical power. When Morpheus held up a battery in front of Neo, he wasn’t kidding; we are batteries, if boiled down to a final analysis.

The human body functions best while operating at around 10 hertz. Note the above figure of a person on the far left. This is our safe, or natural zone. Within our bodies, hundreds of millions of cells each have their own electromagnetic field (EMF). Key to remaining healthy is maintaining the delicate balance of these EMFs. Cancer is caused by cellular mutation. A disturbance to the electromagnetic field (a deviation from our balance of 10 hertz) at a cellular level leads to a disruption in the normal operation of the cell, in turn leading to improper function, resulting in mutation, which can morph into cancer. Pretty basic stuff. Granted, this article is dealing in overviews, and of course there is an enormous amount of data not addressed here; but that does not change the general hypothesis.

Before Marconi and his radio; before there was any EMF not part of the natural cycle of the self-contained bubble of life that is earth, human beings were in harmony with the planetary EMF. With the introduction of the radio, our bodies became recipients of artificially introduced electromagnetic frequencies. Radio waves are not so damaging, as they operate fairly close to our natural, harmonious balance with nature. But, the key here is, the higher the frequency, the farther away from 10 hertz. The farther away, the more damage is wreaked on our cells.

To understand how damaging cell phone electromagnetic radiation is to us, recall that we operate at 10 hertz. 100 hertz equal 1 kilohertz. 100 kilohertz equal 1 megahertz. The average EMF emitted by cell phones is 1900 megahertz, with a market shift toward (currently in use) 2500 megahertz phones (5). Essentially, we are being saturated 24/7 with many, many thousands times stronger radiation fields than our body is equipped to deal with. Our failure to deal with this onslaught is manifesting in the form of stress and sleep disorders, birth defects, cancer and Alzheimer’s. We are being silently culled, and footing the bill to make it happen! By paying your cell bill, you simply ensure the continuity of a product that is killing, and will kill, millions and millions of people. There is a coming wave of brain tumors that will decimate a percentage of our population. Sixty years ago, autism was 1:50,000. Today it’s 1:50. Vaccines are the primary cause of autism, but cell towers and a constant bathing in radioactive electromagnetic frequencies are playing their part as well (Graph – 6).

Enough about cell phones. If you don’t know the dangers by now, you either don’t want to know, refusing to believe something so terrible is happening (Our old pal, cognitive dissonance), or you are choosing to roll the dice with cancer and an early death for the sake of (or fear of) being without the constant ability to reach and be reached. Either of these is a poor substitute for proactively addressing the reality of our EMF-drenched world.

Part II – Cell Towers

Cell towers operate in Watts. A watt is a standard definition of a unit of power. An example of how wattage affects the amount of electricity used can be found in light bulbs. While a normal, round incandescent light bulb uses 40 to 100 watts, fluorescent bulbs produce the same amount of light using only five to 30 watts (7). So, lower wattage equates to less electricity expended to produce a desired result.

It is here we delve into nefarious conspiracy facts. There is no “theory” involved in this conspiracy, as the facts presented can be easily validated through numerous credible sources. Seeking empirical truth? Visit your nearest cell tower and look for a squat metal box with thick cables coming out of it and snaking up to the tower array. You will be looking at an electrical power transformer – almost every cell tower is constructed with one at the base. A transformer is designed to increase the power output, or watts. They are attached to cell towers to boost the power of the EMF signal. The $10,000 question, therefore, becomes: Why do our cell towers requires so much juice? To put the amount of power they use in perspective, consider the following.

A WiFi signal from any standard router is 20 milliwatts. This low output signal can be picked up blocks away from the router, penetrating walls and distance. A standard cell phone transmits 300 milliwatts. Broadly defined, as cells operate at 30 watts, a perfectly capable cellular “node”, or tower, would be equipped with a 30 watt transmitter. Right here is where the shills and disinfo crew will vomit reams of science debunking this simple fact. The fact is: transformers pumping out hundreds of thousands of watts, if utilized to that purpose, would not only fry the phone, but quite likely (at the hazard proximity we share with them) cause a plethora of physical damages to our tender 10 hertz wiring. This being the case, we come full circle to the question of why so much power is needed when the reality is that an infinitesimal fraction will do the trick.

Consider also that a cheapy walkie-talkie, bought at Walmart or Radio Shack can connect with its mate up to two miles away, and do so at .0000001% of the power output of a cell phone. Consider also that radio station WLS in Chicago pumps out a formerly impressive 50,000 watts, and can be picked up over a 1000 miles away with a middling quality radio receiver. The average cell tower in the USA pumps out between 100,000 to 500,000 watts. As demonstrated in factual examples related in this paper, if 30 watts will do the job, then why have nodes pulsing at up to half a million watts?

Is that much power required? No, it is not. As recently as 2013, there were very few cell towers in Mexico, though cell reception was on par with the USA in clarity; not to be confused with “blanket coverage of all areas”. This coverage in Mexico was accomplished with small, 8”-10” low power cell antennas connected to buildings and rooftops. No towers. No transformers. A standard wall outlet provides ample power to maintain a signal with the same clarity as found in the USA. If a tiny antenna is fine for the task, then why do we have these all over the place?”

Is it because we have more cell phones than them, and so need bigger, stronger towers? No. Our percentage of cell phones to population is very similar. See full table for all countries here (8).

Can it be there is an ulterior motive, or motives, above and beyond a strong signal, in equipping these towers with up to half a million watts of transmitter power? Yes there is. Several in fact.

Recalling the beginning of this article, you will note that the human body is a self-contained electrical unit. The human brain is a biological computer and, like a computer, it has a clock frequency that all your existence is centered around. This is a little basic because your brain in reality has multiple simultaneous clock frequencies which interact with each other and serve different purposes for biological function, whereas a microprocessor, standard desktop computer, normally has only one central clock that everything in it synchronizes with. In contrast, your visual cortex may process at a different frequency than the section of your brain which regulates your heartbeat. Feelings and thoughts will run at another frequency. Because your brain is an ultra-parallel computer, it can accomplish a lot while using frequencies that are far lower than would be practical in a microprocessor, and these frequencies are in the ELF (extended low frequency) range. The fact that your brain operates on frequencies leaves it susceptible to manipulation via electronic means. Since different moods are reflected by different frequencies, it is possible to electronically force people to be relaxed when they should be angry, laugh when they should be appalled, and give loyalty when they should rebel (9).

The manipulation of our emotions in such a fashion can only be accomplished with an enormous amount of delicately tuned and precisely directed EMF emissions. Like the 1988 classic movie, They Live, the means are in place and are being used against us to “obey”, to have “no independent thought”.

An unpublicized function of cell towers is weather modification. To promulgate such a suggestion is to be ridiculed in extremis. You know you’ve hit the nail on the head when trolls come out from under their rocks to misdirect, vilify and ultimately debunk or negate the posit.

Just as we are electrical in nature, so too is the atmosphere itself. Lightning should serve as ample proof of this. The fact is that all things in our known existence operate on an electromagnetic frequency. Indeed, we human beings, unaided with scientific gadgets, experience a minuscule 4% of the total EMF range. That being so, with the proper influence, found in directed energy via “cell towers”, these frequencies can be tampered with, in the form of directed energy pulses; creating tornadoes, earthquakes, weather pattern manipulation and more. Our seemingly harmless “cell” towers act as relay stations to piggyback energy pulses to wherever directed.

Wondering how a cell phone tower can generate a strong enough EMF to influence weather patterns, cause earthquakes, stir up hurricanes? Consider this: there are an estimated 269,989 (15) cell towers in the USA (with more added daily). Let’s be generous and lop off 170,000 of them as being nothing more than what they are promoted to be – a benign cellular phone tower. This leaves 100,000 towers with a (very conservative) estimate of 150,000 watts of power each. 100,000 X 150,000 yields a mind-boggling 15 billion watts. When they are directed and synchronized to a specific purpose, it becomes quite evident that the juice is there to cook up just about any weather condition sought. For perspective on how much power that is, understand that the Haarp array in Alaska is a trifling 100 million watts output, and consider the weather modification damage caused at that relatively low power output. The USA Haarp facility is but one of 8-10 of these arrays situated throughout the globe. The war of pulse energy weapons isn’t found only on Star Trek reruns – it’s here, and it’s live!

How can we be completely sure that cell towers do not require 100,000 – 500,000 watts to provide a clear signal for these little cancer-causing pocket pals? For those doubting Mexico’s lack of towers yet enjoying great reception, we look to Australia’s 3G networks. Down Under, 3 watts, when put through highly directional antennas, is enough to reach 2 miles and justify having cell nodes (towers) spaced 4 miles apart. With 10 nodes per tower, that equals a total radiated power of 30 watts; which is more than enough to penetrate virtually anything and provide excellent coverage.

In establishing that 30 watts, (Yes, just thirty) per tower, with towers spaced 4 miles apart, provides ample power to penetrate everything other than our “under renovation” sub-subterranean secure facility for COG, or Continuity of Government, in Cheyenne Mountain. Let’s just call it “the globalist bug-out hideaway”.

A logical question to pose is this: If a mere 30 watts is required to effectively transmit signal, and photovoltaic panels can generate and store sufficient solar power to meet the demands, why do we have these huge transformers? Some basic math will help us in understanding how inexpensive a genuine tower can be.

With solar power now costing approximately three dollars a watt, including inverters, panels, and backup batteries, you can equip a 10 node cell tower with a thousand watt solar setup for approximately $3,000 and never need to worry about installing a transformer at all. If you are transmitting 30 watts, you will draw at least 45 watts because of waste. The hardware is going to eat some juice, but that should not come out to over 100 watts more. So let’s just agree that one cell tower has a real power need of 150 watts. A 1000 watt solar setup will handle that without breaking a sweat. With low wattage running a high voltage feed to a cell tower so it can get its 300,000 Haarp watts and not fry out without a transformer only confirms ever more securely that a transformer is not required. Utilizing solar panels, if cell transmission were the only purpose, makes a great deal of economic sense (11). Something is rotten in our red, white and blue Denmark. A 150′ tower ranges in cost from $100,000 up to $300,000 per unit (12), with additional costs to lease ground for the tower itself. Leases run on a low end of $100 per year (for suckers willing to be irradiated 24/7 for $8.33 per month) up to $156,000 per year (13).

Power – Solar? 1000 watts, which exceeds nine times over the wattage requirements – $2,499.65 (14).

Pole not included. But in truth (Ola’, Mexico?) an 8” antenna plugged into a wall socket will meet the needs. So why are they 150′-200′ tall?

Current USA set-up? Up to $300,000 just for the pole! Add in transformers costing thousands of dollars each, and the invisible cost of the power grid required to keep them online. Last I checked, corporations existed for profit, except when willing to take a hit to help realize an unpublished, secretive objective.

A common sense question is: If cell towers are so dangerous, then why would the 1% largely responsible for our current state subject themselves to the EMF fields? Answer? They don’t!

Picking a town of familiarity, as a Saint Louis, Missouri native, it is well known and proven that there is a concentrated “wealth band” running from the center of the city, starting around Clayton, all the way to west Saint Louis County. This “corridor” is where all the money lives (a generalization, but accurate).

From the words “St Louis” and projecting out toward Clayton, Creve Coeur and beyond reside the 1%. It is a fact – ask any native for validation.

Now let us look at another map, this one noting cell tower placement in St. Louis. You will note Creve Coeur, Chesterfield and Town & Country are mysteriously almost “tower-free”. Town and Country is ranked 80th in the nation for highest per capita income (16). Not even shown is uber-rich Ladue. Hmmm….coincidence? I think not.

If you think that big green area free of towers is a fluke, please perform the same search in most major metropolitan areas – it’s the same everywhere. This alone validates the dangers of cell towers. If the 1% want nothing to do with them, then rest assured neither do we.

Part III – Haarp

The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or Haarp, in Alaska is well known by now, at least to those even semi-awake. The acknowledgement of Haarp as a method of controlling the weather is not a secret; indeed, it is a stated function as published by the US Government.

This high-tech facility, operated by the US Navy, Air Force and several universities, is an extremely powerful transmitter that (very simplistically put) directs intense energy beams into the ionosphere with the goal of influencing: jet streams, creating rain or drought, tsunamis, hurricanes and other uses as well. This ultimately is equivalent to “cooking” our ionosphere. Haarp, however, is limited by the curvature of the earth; hence its range of manipulation is finite.

This is where cell towers come into play. Cell towers can be “harnessed” in their power, allowing for focused energy bursts within a tightly held geographical area. The signal can be bounced tower to tower until reaching its destination.

There is an enormous mountain of data supporting the following theories of Haarp and cell tower shenanigans in relation to the following recent events.

*California, drought –

Between chemtrails and ionospheric manipulation, the government has artificially created the drought in California. Combine the lack of water from mountain snowfall, and the new saying gains weight. “Water is the new oil”. Sounds like the movie Omega Man is coming soon to a theater near us. While this huge drought affecting our entire nation is wreaking havoc on human lives, agriculture and the nation’s economy, the Bush family quietly buys land known to have water under it. The Nestle company does the same, then bottles it and charges exorbitant prices for an earth resource! When one party controls the supply, creates a demand, then provides the solution, the “have nots” are at the mercy of the ‘haves’. The depth of out-n-out evil exhibited by these soulless wealthy so-n-sos is almost beyond belief, but then, truth is stranger than fiction. Drinking kitchen tap water is not a life-embracing solution, unless one is comfortable drinking fluoride, a proven neurotoxin. They get us coming and going!

** Katrina – hurricane – The Haarp facility was highly active in the weeks prior, during, or shortly after Katrina became a hurricane out of Tropical Depression Twelve. The colored “slots”, resembling piano keys, are visual reflections of Haarp activity in the area Katrina was active. This is called a “waterfall chart”. The vertical axis is a frequency reading, measuring from 1 to 30 MHz (10).

The graphic above displays Haarp activity when Tropical Depression (DT) Twelve forms. Katrina grew out of TD12. Note the lack of “slots” found at the vertical 5 and the horizontal 2 axis point.

Compare to below, when Katrina hit New Orleans.

If Haarp were inactive during this time range, 08.22 to 08.30, then there would be nothing to discuss here. But wait! These graphics come from Haarp’s own website! These days, evil is “loud n’ proud”!

*** Tsunami – Japan – The tsunami that destroyed Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is worldwide news. One of the capabilities of Haarp is to direct energy to a specific spot. A highly credible theory is that, an energy beam was shot into the ocean along a known fault line. The result was a sub-surface earthquake which resulted in the tsunami.

There are a great many more examples, but one gets the idea. All information here was found online. None of it is secret. Disbelieve? Go do the research if still in doubt. Check Bosnia, North Korea, Haiti, Malaysia to get the gears in motion.

Why does the United States, ostensibly the most scientifically advanced country on earth (to hear our scientists), lag behind our supposedly less developed fellow nations when it comes to public awareness of the dangers of cellular phone usage? Why the silence?! Why do companies like Sprint and AT&T market cell phones to young children, knowing full well children’s skull and periosteum are not fully developed, thus amplifying the danger of radioactive frequency immersion? The answer, hard as it is to swallow, is that the combined effects of cell phones, towers and Haarp are designed to sow death. Slap a slick marketing campaign together, bash it into public consciousnesses, and we end up with fools waiting at dawn outside retailers for the “next generation” cell phone. It’s all quite Pavlovian…and sad.

A medical catastrophe is in the making…right now! It’s a metaphorical tsunami on the horizon; targeted at and composed of today’s children, which a now smaller percentage of will become tomorrow’s adults. A horrific percentage of our toddlers will, in their twenties or thirties, develop cranial tumors and lesions, bone marrow destruction, loss of intellect and many other vile maladies. A wave of death is approaching, and as much as I abhor it, I won’t shrink from trying to enlighten others to what is coming down the pike.

Who is to blame for this? Cell companies? Certainly.

Parents? Certainly. Squished between child peer pressure, convenience, cognitive dissonance, a media-induced apathy (from cell towers…oh, the irony!), and uber-slick marketing campaigns, the majority of parents and people continue to use them. In essence, we are like cows in a Far Side cartoon. Picture a line of cows leading into a building called “Slaughter House”. One cow comes up to another to hear the approached cow say, “Hey! No butting!”

Sheer madness it is to fund these companies that knowingly are giving us cancer and a host of other ailments. One can recall that the earth continued to turn and life continued to exist…all without a cell phone for, oh, roughly 6,000 years some will reckon. How did we evolve into pansies not daring to leave home without one? Anyone with a lick of common sense will cancel their service, throw out the phone and share this article. It really is a matter of life and death.

1. http://www.globalresearch.ca/44-reasons-to-believe-cell-phones-can-cause-cancer/5420118
2. http://www.medicaldaily.com/cell-phones-and-cancer-2-studies-provide-new-evidence-possible-link-249317
3. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/01/06/cell-phone-use-brain-cancer-risk.aspx
4. 1 Electromagnetichealth.org

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_frequencies
6. http://www.safespaceprotection.com/electrostress-from-cell-towers.aspx
7. http://www.ehow.com/facts_6707208_difference-between-watts-hertz.html
8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_mobile_phones_in_use
9. http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/cells.html
10. http://montalk.net/conspiracy/142/haarp-earthquakes-and-hurricanes
11. http://jimstonefreelance.com/3g3.html
12. http://www.celltowerinfo.com/faq-home.htm
13. http://www.cell-tower-leases.com/Cell-Tower-Lease-Rates.html
14. https://www.anapode.com/products/1000w_1kw_Complete_Solar_Panel_Module_Kit_DIY
15. http://www.towerlocation.com/
16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-income_places_in_the_United_States

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