Starseed Traits

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Your Starseed Awakening
If you answered yes to any of these, then you may be a starseed.
The term starseed outwardly seems very hippyish, but when you dissect the truth behind the energy signatures that we were each born into, then you would already know that our zodiac signs and, consequently, specific planetary influences already control what we look like, our qualities and faults, our life challenges and so much more.

However, while these planetary influences may only subjugate ourselves within this current incarnation to apply to specific traits and qualities, they also show how we “came from the stars”.
Thus, the question still remains,
“What solar system did our souls incarnate to before we came to Earth?”
If you look at the number of people on this planet, the number keeps growing which means that new souls are incarnating every day as older souls depart.
Starseed Traits – Are You A Starseed?
Many of us have led previous lives from other star systems.
While the empirical scientist will undoubtedly question this belief, they cannot disprove it, either. You “just know” it and no explanation is necessary. These are some of the thoughts that are locked into your cellular memory as you are beginning to recall who you are, what your purpose is here and where you came from.
This is also why many starseeds are empaths.
Many empaths came here to absorb the negative energies that is imposed upon us by the ruling elite. They can also sense the difference in energy signatures between various planets and solar systems and innately know that this planet is not their home base.
Many starseeds are discontent with the fear-ladened propaganda on Earth and are beginning to remember the love vibrations from their planet of origin, which makes this incarnation so much more difficult for many starseeds because the love vibration is much denser here than where they came from.
This, in turn, may cause depression for some starseeds but will not be recognized or acknowledged by most therapists who are brainwashed by the DSM-V and Big Pharma.
Source: locklip

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